Terms of Service

General terms and Conditions

www.ramunepiekautaite.com website and any part of the website and its content are protected by international laws of the Republic of Lithuania. www.ramunepiekautaite.com website is also protected by copyright. The brand, Ramune Piekautaite fashion house products and all visual materials copyright rights belong to UAB “Mados aikštė”. www.ramunepiekautaite.com reserves the right at any time if necessary, without prior notice to alter, amend, add to the site’s content.

Our e-commerce www.ramunepiekautaite.com services can be used by visitors who are at least 18 years old; visitors under eighteen years old have a right to place orders only with their parents, adoptive parents or guardians’ agreement, except when disposed of their own earnings or scholarships; legal entities; all of the above visitors’ authorized representatives.

www.ramunepiekautaite.com reserves the right to cancel any order prior to dispatch should we find that the price is incorrect or the product is out of stock. In such case we will notify you by email. If we are unable to contact you, your order will be automatically cancelled. Also, we cannot guarantee that colors on the website will be true to life as it partly depends on the color settings of your computer and monitor.

Your account. You represent and warrant that the information you provide to www.ramunepiekautaite.com upon placing an order or registering on the website at all times will be true, accurate and complete.


Our website may contain links to other websites that might appear while using our services. However, once you use the links and leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over other websites. We are not responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting third party sites and such sites are not governed by our privacy statement

UAB “Mados aikštė” respects the right of persons using the website. www.ramunepiekautaite.com collects only Personal Data, which provides the visitor of the website himself. Personal data includes information such as- your given the name, address, phone number and (or) e-mail address. We do not collect or store any credit card information from our online customers. UAB “Mados aikštė” ensure visitors’ personal data confidential.

If you have any questions kindly email us on eshop@ramunepiekautaite.com.

UAB „Mados aikštė“
Code: 223868940
VAT: LT238689416
Address: Vingrių st. 6, Vilnius, Lithuania